Exact Match:
- overturn
- an improbable and unexpected victory; "the biggest upset since David beat Goliath"
- turn from an upright or normal position; "The big vase overturned"; "The canoe tumped over"
- cause to overturn from an upright or normal position; "The cat knocked over the flower vase"; "the clumsy customer turned over the vase"; "he tumped over his beer"
- Waterloo,
- answer,
- answer conclusively,
- argue down,
- be lost,
- beating,
- bloodless revolution,
- bouleversement,
- breakdown,
- breakup,
- bring down,
- capsizal,
- capsize,
- careen,
- cataclysm,
- catastrophe,
- clean slate,
- clean sweep,
- collapse,
- computer revolution,
- confound,
- confute,
- conquering,
- conquest,
- contradict,
- controvert,
- convulsion,
- counterrevolution,
- crash,
- crush,
- culbute,
- culbuter,
- deathblow,
- debacle,
- deck,
- defeat,
- demolish,
- deny,
- depose,
- destruction,
- dismiss,
- dispose of,
- down,
- downcast,
- downfall,
- downthrow,
- drubbing,
- eject,
- failure,
- fall,
- finish,
- floor,
- founder,
- go down,
- hiding,
- honeycomb,
- invert,
- keel,
- keel over,
- knock down,
- knock over,
- lambasting,
- lathering,
- licking,
- mastery,
- nonplus,
- oust,
- ouster,
- ousting,
- overcome,
- overcoming,
- overmaster,
- overmatch,
- overpower,
- overset,
- overthrow,
- overturning,
- overwhelm,
- palace revolution,
- parry,
- pitchpole,
- precipitation,
- prostrate,
- prostration,
- put to silence,
- quietus,
- radical change,
- rebut,
- reduce to silence,
- refute,
- reorganization,
- revolt,
- revolute,
- revolution,
- revolutionary war,
- revolutionize,
- revulsion,
- ruin,
- sabotage,
- sap,
- sap the foundations,
- scuttle,
- send flying,
- settle,
- shake-up,
- shut up,
- silence,
- sink,
- smash,
- smash all opposition,
- somersault,
- somerset,
- spasm,
- spill,
- squash,
- squelch,
- striking alteration,
- subdual,
- subduing,
- subjugation,
- subversion,
- subvert,
- surmount,
- sweeping change,
- tabula rasa,
- technological revolution,
- thrashing,
- throw down,
- throw over,
- tip over,
- topple,
- topple over,
- toppling,
- topsy-turvify,
- topsy-turvy,
- total change,
- transilience,
- trimming,
- trip,
- trip up,
- trouncing,
- tumble,
- turn a somersault,
- turn over,
- turn topsy-turvy,
- turn turtle,
- turn upside down,
- turnover,
- undermine,
- undoing,
- unhorse,
- unseat,
- unseating,
- unthrone,
- upend,
- upheaval,
- upset,
- upset the boat,
- upturn,
- vanquishment,
- violent change,
- weaken,
- whipping