undergo (as of injuries and illnesses); "She suffered a fracture in the accident"; "He had an insulin shock after eating three candy bars"; "She got a bruise on her leg"; "He got his arm broken in the scuffle"
feel unwell or uncomfortable; "She is suffering from the hot weather"
get worse; "His grades suffered"
be set at a disadvantage; "This author really suffers in translation"
endure (emotional pain); "Every time her husband gets drunk, she suffers"
undergo or be subjected to; "He suffered the penalty"; "Many saints suffered martyrdom"
undergo or suffer; "meet a violent death"; "suffer a terrible fate"
be given to; "She suffers from a tendency to talk too much"
excite to an abnormal condition, of chafe or inflame; "Aspirin irritates my stomach"
excite to some characteristic action or condition, such as motion, contraction, or nervous impulse, by the application of a stimulus; "irritate the glands of a leaf"
the destruction of an enemy plane or ship or tank or missile; "the pilot reported two kills during the mission"
destroy a vitally essential quality of or in; "Eating artichokes kills the taste of all other foods"
cause to cease operating; "kill the engine"
tire out completely; "The daily stress of her work is killing her"
mark for deletion, rub off, or erase; "kill these lines in the President's speech"
cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly; "This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank"; "The farmer killed a pig for the holidays"
cause the death of, without intention; "She was killed in the collision of three cars"
deprive of life; "AIDS has killed thousands in Africa"
hit with great force; "He killed the ball"
hit with so much force as to make a return impossible, in racket games; "She killed the ball"
overwhelm with hilarity, pleasure, or admiration; "The comedian was so funny, he was killing me!"
be the source of great pain for; "These new shoes are killing me!"
thwart the passage of; "kill a motion"; "he shot down the student's proposal"
be fatal; "cigarettes kill"; "drunken driving kills"
amazingly impressive; suggestive of the flashing of lightning; "the skater's dazzling virtuosic leaps"; "these great best canvases still look as astonishing and as invitingly new as they did...when...his fulgurant popularity was in full growth"- Janet Flanner; "adventures related...in a style both vivid and fulgurous"- Idwal Jones
the deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason; "it required unnatural torturing to extract a confession"
unbearable physical pain
subject to torture; "The sinners will be tormented in Hell, according to the Bible"