not meeting requirements; "unequal to the demands put upon him"
(followed by `of') lacking capacity or ability; "incapable of carrying a tune"; "he is incapable of understanding the matter"; "incapable of doing the work"
(followed by `of') not having the temperament or inclination for; "simply incapable of lying"
lacking the necessary skill or knowledge etc.; "an incapable helper"
constituting or afflicted with or caused by tuberculosis or the tubercle bacillus; "a tubercular child"; "tuberculous patients"; "tubercular meningitis"
relating to tuberculosis or those suffering from it; "a tubercular hospital"
pertaining to or of the nature of a normal tuberosity or tubercle; "a tubercular process for the attachment of a ligament or muscle"
characterized by the presence of tuberculosis lesions or tubercles; "tubercular leprosy"
a common venereal disease caused by the treponema pallidum spirochete; symptoms change through progressive stages; can be congenital (transmitted through the placenta)
tending to consume or use often wastefully; "water suitable for beneficial consumptive uses"; "duties consumptive of time and energy"; "consumptive fires"
afflicted with or associated with pulmonary tuberculosis; "a consumptive patient"; "a consumptive cough"