Exact Match:
- penetration
- the act of entering into or through something; "the penetration of upper management by women"
- the act (by a man) of inserting his penis into the vagina of a woman
- an attack that penetrates into enemy territory
- the depth to which something penetrates (especially the depth reached by a projectile that hits a target)
- the ability to make way into or through something; "the greater penetration of the new projectiles will result in greater injuries"
- clear or deep perception of a situation
- access,
- acuity,
- acumen,
- acupunctuation,
- acupuncture,
- acuteness,
- admission,
- apperception,
- astuteness,
- bore,
- boring,
- broach,
- cleverness,
- cogency,
- critical discernment,
- decoction,
- diffusion,
- discernment,
- discrimination,
- drill hole,
- embedment,
- empiercement,
- entrance,
- entree,
- entry,
- farseeingness,
- farsightedness,
- fixing,
- flair,
- foresight,
- foresightedness,
- goring,
- graft,
- grafting,
- imbuement,
- impaction,
- impactment,
- impalement,
- implantation,
- import,
- importation,
- importing,
- impregnation,
- incision,
- incisiveness,
- income,
- incoming,
- infiltration,
- infixion,
- infusion,
- ingoing,
- ingress,
- ingression,
- injection,
- inoculation,
- input,
- inroad,
- insertion,
- insight,
- insinuation,
- instillation,
- instillment,
- intake,
- intelligence,
- interjection,
- interpenetration,
- interpolation,
- introduction,
- introgression,
- intromission,
- intrusion,
- judgment,
- keenness,
- lancing,
- leakage,
- longheadedness,
- longsightedness,
- marination,
- overrunning,
- overspreading,
- overswarming,
- penetrating,
- perception,
- perceptiveness,
- percipience,
- percolation,
- perforation,
- perfusion,
- permeation,
- perspicaciousness,
- perspicacity,
- perspicuity,
- perspicuousness,
- pervasion,
- piercing,
- pricking,
- providence,
- punching,
- puncture,
- puncturing,
- quick-wittedness,
- reception,
- sagaciousness,
- sagacity,
- saturation,
- seepage,
- sensibility,
- sensitivity,
- sentience,
- shrewdness,
- skewering,
- soaking,
- steeping,
- suffusion,
- terebration,
- tessellation,
- transfixation,
- transfixion,
- transforation,
- transfusion,
- transplant,
- transplantation,
- trenchancy,
- trepanning,
- trephining,
- understanding,
- wit