- active,
- activist,
- activistic,
- aggressively self-confident,
- airy,
- alive,
- animated,
- biggety,
- bouncing,
- bouncy,
- breezy,
- bright,
- bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,
- brisk,
- bubbly,
- bumptious,
- buoyant,
- carefree,
- cheerful,
- cheery,
- chesty,
- chipper,
- cocky,
- conceited,
- corky,
- debonair,
- ebullient,
- effervescent,
- energetic,
- free and easy,
- frisky,
- full of go,
- full of life,
- full of pep,
- gay,
- immodest,
- invigorated,
- jaunty,
- know-it-all,
- light,
- lighthearted,
- lightsome,
- live,
- lively,
- mercurial,
- militant,
- obtrusive,
- overwise,
- peacockish,
- peacocky,
- peppy,
- perk,
- pert,
- puffed up,
- quicksilver,
- resilient,
- self-conceited,
- self-opinionated,
- smacking,
- smart-alecky,
- snappy,
- spanking,
- spirited,
- sprightly,
- spry,
- stuck-up,
- swelled-headed,
- vigorous,
- vitalized,
- vivacious,
- zingy