Exact Match:
- philosophy
- any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation; "self-indulgence was his only philosophy"; "my father's philosophy of child-rearing was to let mother do it"
- the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics
- Aristotelianism,
- Berkeleianism,
- Bradleianism,
- Buddha-like composure,
- Cynicism,
- Cyrenaic hedonism,
- Cyrenaicism,
- Epicureanism,
- Fichteanism,
- Hegelianism,
- Heideggerianism,
- Heracliteanism,
- Herbartianism,
- Humism,
- Kantianism,
- Leibnizianism,
- Marxism,
- Mimamsa,
- Neo-Hegelianism,
- Neo-Pythagoreanism,
- Neoplatonism,
- Newtonian physics,
- Oriental calm,
- Peripateticism,
- Platonism,
- Purva Mimamsa,
- Pyrrhonism,
- Pythagoreanism,
- Sankhya,
- Schellingism,
- Scotism,
- Socratism,
- Sophism,
- Sophistry,
- Spencerianism,
- Stoicism,
- Thomism,
- Weltanschauung,
- acosmism,
- acoustics,
- aerophysics,
- aesthetics,
- agnosticism,
- animalism,
- animatism,
- animism,
- aplomb,
- applied physics,
- astrophysics,
- atomism,
- attitude,
- basic conductor physics,
- biophysics,
- body of ideas,
- calm disposition,
- calm of mind,
- calmness,
- chemical physics,
- composure,
- control,
- cool,
- coolheadedness,
- coolness,
- cosmotheism,
- countenance,
- criticism,
- cryogenics,
- crystallography,
- cytophysics,
- deduction,
- deductive reasoning,
- deism,
- demonstration,
- dialectical materialism,
- discourse,
- discourse of reason,
- discursive reason,
- dispassion,
- dualism,
- easy mind,
- eclecticism,
- egoism,
- electron physics,
- electronics,
- electrophysics,
- empiricism,
- epistemology,
- equanimity,
- ethics,
- ethos,
- eudaemonism,
- existentialism,
- feeling,
- geophysics,
- hedonism,
- humanism,
- hylomorphism,
- hylotheism,
- hylozoism,
- icy calm,
- idea,
- idealism,
- ideology,
- immaterialism,
- imperturbability,
- imperturbation,
- indisturbance,
- individualism,
- induction,
- inductive reasoning,
- intuitionism,
- logic,
- logical thought,
- macrophysics,
- materialism,
- mathematical physics,
- mechanics,
- mechanism,
- medicophysics,
- mental composure,
- mentalism,
- metaphysics,
- microphysics,
- monism,
- mysticism,
- natural philosophy,
- natural science,
- naturalism,
- neocriticism,
- nominalism,
- notion,
- nuclear physics,
- ontologism,
- ontology,
- opinion,
- optics,
- optimism,
- organic mechanism,
- organicism,
- outlook,
- panpsychism,
- pantheism,
- patience,
- peace of mind,
- peacefulness,
- pessimism,
- philosophic composure,
- philosophicalness,
- physic,
- physical chemistry,
- physical science,
- physicalism,
- physicism,
- physicochemistry,
- physicomathematics,
- physics,
- placidity,
- pluralism,
- point of view,
- positivism,
- pragmaticism,
- pragmatism,
- proof,
- psychism,
- psychological hedonism,
- psychophysics,
- quiet,
- quiet mind,
- quietude,
- radiation physics,
- radionics,
- ratiocination,
- rationalism,
- rationality,
- rationalization,
- rationalizing,
- realism,
- reason,
- reasonableness,
- reasoning,
- resignation,
- restraint,
- sang-froid,
- sangfroid,
- secular humanism,
- self-control,
- self-possession,
- semiotic,
- semiotics,
- sensationalism,
- sentiment,
- serenity,
- skepticism,
- solar physics,
- solid-state physics,
- soothingness,
- sophistry,
- specious reasoning,
- statics,
- stereophysics,
- stoicism,
- substantialism,
- sweet reason,
- syncretism,
- system of ideas,
- system of theories,
- tenets,
- theism,
- theoretical physics,
- thermodynamics,
- thinking,
- thoughtfulness,
- tranquillity,
- transcendentalism,
- unruffledness,
- utilitarianism,
- viewpoint,
- voluntarism,
- world view,
- zoophysics