Exact Match:
- phylactery
- (Judaism) either of two small leather cases containing texts from the Hebrew Scriptures (known collectively as tefillin); traditionally worn (on the forehead and the left arm) by Jewish men during morning prayer
- Agnus Dei,
- Holy Grail,
- Host,
- Pieta,
- Sanctus bell,
- Sangraal,
- amulet,
- ark,
- asperger,
- asperges,
- aspergillum,
- bambino,
- beadroll,
- beads,
- candle,
- censer,
- chaplet,
- charm,
- ciborium,
- cross,
- crucifix,
- cruet,
- eucharistial,
- fetish,
- fylfot,
- gammadion,
- good-luck charm,
- holy cross,
- holy water,
- holy-water sprinkler,
- hoodoo,
- icon,
- incensory,
- juju,
- love charm,
- luck,
- lucky bean,
- lucky piece,
- madstone,
- mascot,
- matzo,
- menorah,
- mezuzah,
- mikvah,
- monstrance,
- mumbo jumbo,
- obeah,
- osculatory,
- ostensorium,
- paschal candle,
- pax,
- periapt,
- philter,
- phylacteries,
- prayer shawl,
- prayer wheel,
- pyx,
- relics,
- rood,
- rosary,
- sacramental,
- sacred relics,
- sacring bell,
- scarab,
- scarabaeus,
- scarabee,
- shofar,
- sudarium,
- sukkah,
- swastika,
- tabernacle,
- talisman,
- tallith,
- thurible,
- urceole,
- veronica,
- vigil light,
- voodoo,
- votive candle,
- whammy