- anima,
- anima humana,
- animating force,
- animus,
- atman,
- ba,
- bathmism,
- beating heart,
- biological clock,
- biorhythm,
- blood,
- breath,
- breath of life,
- buddhi,
- divine breath,
- divine spark,
- ego,
- elan vital,
- essence of life,
- force of life,
- growth force,
- heart,
- heartbeat,
- heartblood,
- impulse of life,
- inner man,
- inspiriting force,
- jiva,
- jivatma,
- khu,
- life breath,
- life cycle,
- life essence,
- life force,
- life principle,
- life process,
- lifeblood,
- living force,
- manes,
- mind,
- nephesh,
- prana,
- psyche,
- purusha,
- ruach,
- seat of life,
- shade,
- shadow,
- soul,
- spark of life,
- spirit,
- spiritual being,
- spiritus,
- the self,
- vis vitae,
- vis vitalis,
- vital energy,
- vital flame,
- vital fluid,
- vital force,
- vital principle,
- vital spark,
- vital spirit