Exact Match:
- poisonous
- marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful; "poisonous hate"; "venomous criticism"; "vicious gossip"
- not safe to eat
- having the qualities or effects of a poison
- bad,
- baleful,
- baneful,
- barfy,
- brackish,
- catching,
- cloying,
- communicable,
- contagious,
- corroding,
- corrosive,
- corrupting,
- corruptive,
- counterproductive,
- damaging,
- dangerous,
- deadly,
- defamatory,
- deleterious,
- destructive,
- detrimental,
- diabolical,
- disadvantageous,
- disserviceable,
- distressing,
- envenomed,
- evil,
- fatal,
- fetid,
- foul,
- fulsome,
- harmful,
- high,
- hurtful,
- icky,
- infectious,
- infective,
- injurious,
- lethal,
- maggoty,
- malefic,
- malevolent,
- malicious,
- malign,
- malignant,
- mawkish,
- mephitic,
- miasmal,
- miasmatic,
- miasmic,
- mischievous,
- mortal,
- nasty,
- nauseant,
- nauseating,
- nauseous,
- noisome,
- noxious,
- offensive,
- ominous,
- overripe,
- pernicious,
- pestiferous,
- pestilent,
- pestilential,
- poison,
- prejudicial,
- rancid,
- rank,
- rebarbative,
- rotten,
- scatheful,
- septic,
- sickening,
- slanderous,
- spoiled,
- stinking,
- toxic,
- toxicant,
- toxiferous,
- venenate,
- veneniferous,
- venenous,
- venomous,
- vicious,
- vile,
- virulent,
- vomity,
- weevily,
- yucky