Exact Match:
- prodigal
- a recklessly extravagant consumer
- marked by rash extravagance; "led a prodigal life"
- Adamic,
- abounding,
- abundant,
- affluent,
- aggrandized,
- alive with,
- all-sufficing,
- ample,
- amplified,
- aplenty,
- backsliding,
- ballyhooed,
- bibulous,
- big-time spender,
- bottomless,
- bounteous,
- bountiful,
- bristling,
- bursting,
- carnal,
- copious,
- crapulent,
- crapulous,
- crawling,
- crowded,
- crowding,
- diffuse,
- diffusive,
- disproportionate,
- dissipative,
- easy come,
- easy go,
- effuse,
- effusive,
- epidemic,
- erring,
- exaggerated,
- excessive,
- exhaustless,
- exorbitant,
- extravagant,
- extreme,
- exuberant,
- fallen,
- fat,
- fecund,
- fertile,
- fleshly,
- flush,
- formless,
- frail,
- full,
- galore,
- generous,
- gluttonous,
- grandiloquent,
- gushing,
- gushy,
- high-flown,
- hyperbolic,
- immoderate,
- improvident,
- impure,
- in plenty,
- in profusion,
- in quantity,
- incontinent,
- indulgent,
- inexhaustible,
- infirm,
- inflated,
- inordinate,
- intemperate,
- jam-packed,
- jammed,
- lapsed,
- lavish,
- liberal,
- lush,
- luxuriant,
- magnified,
- many,
- maximal,
- much,
- numerous,
- of easy virtue,
- opulent,
- overabundant,
- overbounteous,
- overcopious,
- overdone,
- overdrawn,
- overemphasized,
- overemphatic,
- overestimated,
- overexuberant,
- overflowing,
- overgenerous,
- overgreat,
- overindulgent,
- overindulging,
- overlarge,
- overlavish,
- overliberal,
- overluxuriant,
- overmuch,
- overnumerous,
- overplenteous,
- overplentiful,
- overplenty,
- overpopulated,
- overpopulous,
- overpraised,
- overprolific,
- oversold,
- overstated,
- overstressed,
- overwrought,
- packed,
- peccable,
- penny-wise and pound-foolish,
- plenitudinous,
- plenteous,
- plentiful,
- plenty,
- pleonastic,
- plethoric,
- populous,
- postlapsarian,
- pound-foolish,
- prevailing,
- prevalent,
- prodigal son,
- productive,
- profligate,
- profuse,
- profusive,
- proliferating,
- prolific,
- puffed,
- pullulating,
- rampant,
- recidivist,
- recidivistic,
- reckless,
- redundant,
- reiterative,
- repetitive,
- replete,
- rich,
- rife,
- riotous,
- running over,
- self-indulgent,
- spend-all,
- spender,
- spendthrift,
- squanderer,
- squandering,
- stretched,
- studded,
- sumptuous,
- superabundant,
- superlative,
- swarming,
- swinish,
- tautologous,
- teeming,
- thick,
- thick as hail,
- thick with,
- thick-coming,
- thriving,
- thronged,
- thronging,
- too much,
- touted,
- unangelic,
- unbridled,
- unchaste,
- unclean,
- unconstrained,
- uncontrolled,
- undisciplined,
- unfrugal,
- ungodly,
- ungood,
- unlimited,
- unmeasured,
- unrestrained,
- unrighteous,
- unsaintly,
- unthrifty,
- unvirtuous,
- virtueless,
- wanton,
- wasteful,
- waster,
- wastethrift,
- wastrel,
- wayward,
- weak,
- wealthy,
- well-found,
- well-furnished,
- well-provided,
- well-stocked,
- wholesale