Exact Match:
- quicksand
- a pit filled with loose wet sand into which objects are sucked down
- a treacherous situation that tends to entrap and destroy
- baygall,
- bind,
- bog,
- bottom,
- bottomland,
- bottoms,
- breakers ahead,
- buffalo wallow,
- cardhouse,
- cause for alarm,
- clutch,
- complication,
- coral heads,
- crisis,
- crunch,
- danger,
- dangerous ground,
- embarrassing position,
- embarrassment,
- emergency,
- endangerment,
- everglade,
- fen,
- fenland,
- fine how-do-you-do,
- gaping chasm,
- gathering clouds,
- glade,
- hazard,
- hell to pay,
- hobble,
- hog wallow,
- holm,
- hot water,
- house of cards,
- how-do-you-do,
- imbroglio,
- imperilment,
- ironbound coast,
- jam,
- jeopardy,
- ledges,
- lee shore,
- marais,
- marish,
- marsh,
- marshland,
- meadow,
- menace,
- mere,
- mess,
- mire,
- mix,
- moor,
- moorland,
- morass,
- moss,
- mud,
- mud flat,
- parlous straits,
- pass,
- peat bog,
- peril,
- pickle,
- pinch,
- pitfall,
- plight,
- predicament,
- pretty pass,
- pretty pickle,
- pretty predicament,
- quagmire,
- quicksands,
- risk,
- rockbound coast,
- rocks,
- rocks ahead,
- salt marsh,
- sandbank,
- sandbar,
- sands,
- scrape,
- shallows,
- shoals,
- slob land,
- slough,
- sough,
- spot,
- squeeze,
- stew,
- sticky wicket,
- storm clouds,
- strait,
- straits,
- sump,
- swale,
- swamp,
- swampland,
- taiga,
- thin ice,
- threat,
- tight spot,
- tight squeeze,
- tightrope,
- tricky spot,
- undercurrent,
- undertow,
- unholy mess,
- wallow,
- wash