- absorbing,
- allegorical,
- apprehensible,
- articulate,
- associational,
- cognizable,
- comprehensible,
- connotational,
- connotative,
- decipherable,
- definable,
- denotational,
- denotative,
- distinct,
- easily understood,
- easy to understand,
- engaging,
- enjoyable,
- entertaining,
- exciting,
- exoteric,
- expressive,
- extended,
- extensional,
- fair,
- fathomable,
- figurative,
- full of meaning,
- full of point,
- full of substance,
- in the clear,
- indicative,
- intelligible,
- intensional,
- interesting,
- interpretable,
- inviting,
- juicy,
- knowable,
- legible,
- lively,
- meaning,
- meaningful,
- meaty,
- metaphorical,
- penetrable,
- piquant,
- pithy,
- plain,
- pleasurable,
- plumbable,
- pointed,
- pregnant,
- prehensible,
- provocative,
- provoking,
- racy,
- referential,
- rich,
- scrutable,
- sententious,
- significant,
- significative,
- spicy,
- stimulating,
- substantial,
- succulent,
- suggestive,
- symbolic,
- tantalizing,
- thought-challenging,
- thought-inspiring,
- thought-provoking,
- tickling,
- titillating,
- transferred,
- uncoded,
- understandable,
- unenciphered,
- worthwhile