- Encratism,
- Friday,
- Lenten fare,
- Pythagoreanism,
- Pythagorism,
- Rechabitism,
- Shakerism,
- Spartan fare,
- Stoicism,
- abstainment,
- abstemiousness,
- abstention,
- abstinence,
- asceticism,
- avoidance,
- avoiding reaction,
- banyan day,
- celibacy,
- chastity,
- circumvention,
- continence,
- defense mechanism,
- dodge,
- duck,
- elusion,
- elusiveness,
- equivocation,
- escape,
- eschewal,
- evasion,
- evasive action,
- evasiveness,
- fast,
- fish day,
- forbearance,
- forestalling,
- forestallment,
- fruitarianism,
- getting around,
- gymnosophy,
- jink,
- nephalism,
- neutrality,
- nonintervention,
- noninvolvement,
- plain living,
- prevention,
- refrainment,
- sexual abstinence,
- shunning,
- shunting off,
- shy,
- sidestep,
- sidetracking,
- simple diet,
- slip,
- spare diet,
- teetotalism,
- the pledge,
- the runaround,
- total abstinence,
- vegetarianism,
- zigzag