Exact Match:
- retarded
- relatively slow in mental or emotional or physical development; "providing a secure and sometimes happy life for the retarded"
- arrested,
- babbling,
- back,
- backward,
- behind,
- behindhand,
- belated,
- blithering,
- blocked,
- bridled,
- burbling,
- checked,
- constrained,
- controlled,
- crackbrained,
- cracked,
- crazy,
- cretinistic,
- cretinous,
- curbed,
- delayed,
- delayed-action,
- detained,
- dithering,
- driveling,
- drooling,
- guarded,
- half-baked,
- half-witted,
- held up,
- hung up,
- idiotic,
- imbecile,
- imbecilic,
- impeded,
- in a bind,
- in abeyance,
- in check,
- in leading strings,
- in remission,
- inhibited,
- jammed,
- late,
- latish,
- maundering,
- mentally defective,
- mentally deficient,
- mentally handicapped,
- mentally retarded,
- mongoloid,
- moratory,
- moronic,
- never on time,
- not all there,
- obstructed,
- on leash,
- overdue,
- pent-up,
- restrained,
- set back,
- simple,
- simpleminded,
- simpletonian,
- slobbering,
- slow,
- slowed down,
- stopped,
- subnormal,
- tardy,
- under control,
- under discipline,
- under restraint,
- unpunctual,
- unready,
- untimely