Exact Match:
- romance
- a novel dealing with idealized events remote from everyday life
- the group of languages derived from Latin
- relating to languages derived from Latin; "Romance languages"
- tell romantic or exaggerated lies; "This author romanced his trip to an exotic country"
- have a love affair with
- Marchen,
- Western,
- Western story,
- Westerner,
- adulterous affair,
- adultery,
- adventure,
- adventure story,
- affair,
- allegorize,
- allegory,
- amor,
- amour,
- apologue,
- apparition,
- autism,
- autistic thinking,
- balderdash,
- bedtime story,
- brainchild,
- brown-nose,
- bubble,
- butter up,
- canard,
- capriccio,
- caprice,
- chimera,
- color,
- colorfulness,
- concoction,
- court,
- cuckoldry,
- dalliance,
- delirium,
- dereism,
- dereistic thinking,
- detective story,
- divertissement,
- dreamery,
- eidolon,
- entanglement,
- epic,
- eternal triangle,
- exaggeration,
- excitement,
- extravaganza,
- fable,
- fabliau,
- fabrication,
- fabulize,
- fairy tale,
- fancy,
- fantasia,
- fantasque,
- fantasy,
- fascination,
- fib,
- fiction,
- fictionalize,
- figment,
- flatter,
- flight of fancy,
- flirtation,
- folk story,
- folktale,
- forbidden love,
- forgery,
- gest,
- ghost story,
- glamor,
- hallucination,
- hanky-panky,
- horse opera,
- humoresque,
- ideal,
- idealism,
- ideality,
- idealization,
- idealize,
- idle fancy,
- idyll,
- illicit love,
- illusion,
- imagery,
- imagination,
- imaginative exercise,
- imaginativeness,
- imagining,
- impracticality,
- infidelity,
- insubstantial image,
- intrigue,
- invention,
- legend,
- liaison,
- love,
- love affair,
- love story,
- maggot,
- make-believe,
- medley,
- melodrama,
- mystery,
- mystery story,
- myth,
- mythicize,
- mythify,
- mythologize,
- mythology,
- mythos,
- narrate,
- narrative,
- nonsense,
- nostalgia,
- novel,
- novelize,
- nursery tale,
- pander to,
- parable,
- phantasm,
- phantom,
- play of fancy,
- potpourri,
- prevarication,
- quixotism,
- quixotize,
- quixotry,
- recite,
- recount,
- rehearse,
- relate,
- relationship,
- report,
- retell,
- rhapsodize,
- romantic tie,
- romanticism,
- romanticize,
- romanza,
- science fiction,
- sentiment,
- shocker,
- sick fancy,
- soft-soap,
- space fiction,
- space opera,
- storify,
- story,
- suspense story,
- tall story,
- tall tale,
- tell,
- tell a story,
- thick-coming fancies,
- thriller,
- triangle,
- trip,
- unfaithfulness,
- unfold a tale,
- unpracticalness,
- unrealism,
- unreality,
- utopianism,
- utopianize,
- vapor,
- vision,
- visionariness,
- whim,
- whimsy,
- white lie,
- whodunit,
- wildest dreams,
- wish fulfillment,
- wish-fulfillment fantasy,
- wishful thinking,
- woo,
- work of fiction