offensive to good taste especially in sexual matters; "an earthy but not indecent story"; "an indecent gesture"
offending against sexual mores in conduct or appearance; "a bathing suit considered indecent by local standards"
not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society; "was buried with indecent haste"; "indecorous behavior"; "language unbecoming to a lady"; "unseemly to use profanity"; "moved to curb their untoward ribaldry"
United States astronomer who discovered that sunspots are associated with strong magnetic fields (1868-1938)
a soldier of the American Revolution who was hanged as a spy by the British; his last words were supposed to have been `I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country' (1755-1776)
exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health; "hale and hearty"; "whole in mind and body"; "a whole person again"
suggestive of or tending to moral looseness; "lewd whisperings of a dirty old man"; "an indecent gesture"; "obscene telephone calls"; "salacious limericks"