Exact Match:
- scrambled
- thrown together in a disorderly fashion; "a scrambled plan of action"
- aimless,
- amalgamated,
- ambiguous,
- ambivalent,
- amphibious,
- beyond one,
- blended,
- combined,
- complex,
- complicated,
- composite,
- compound,
- compounded,
- conglomerate,
- crabbed,
- cramp,
- dappled,
- designless,
- difficult,
- eclectic,
- empty,
- equivocal,
- fifty-fifty,
- garbled,
- half-and-half,
- hard,
- hard to understand,
- heterogeneous,
- importless,
- inane,
- indiscriminate,
- insignificant,
- intricate,
- ironic,
- jumbled,
- knotty,
- many-sided,
- meaningless,
- medley,
- mingled,
- miscellaneous,
- mixed,
- motley,
- multifaceted,
- multinational,
- multiracial,
- nonconnotative,
- nondenotative,
- null,
- obfuscated,
- obscure,
- obscured,
- overtechnical,
- patchy,
- perplexed,
- phatic,
- pluralistic,
- promiscuous,
- purportless,
- purposeless,
- senseless,
- syncretic,
- thrown together,
- tough,
- unmeaning,
- unsignificant,
- varied