Exact Match:
- secondary
- the defensive football players who line up behind the linemen
- belonging to a lower class or rank
- not of major importance; "played a secondary role in world events"
- being of second rank or importance or value; not direct or immediate; "the stone will be hauled to a secondary crusher"; "a secondary source"; "a secondary issue"; "secondary streams"
- depending on or incidental to what is original or primary; "a secondary infection"
- Janus-like,
- Maxwell triangle,
- Munsell scale,
- accessory,
- accident,
- accidental,
- addendum,
- addition,
- additional,
- adjunct,
- adscititious,
- adventitious,
- advocate,
- agent,
- alter ego,
- alternate,
- alternative,
- ambidextrous,
- amicus curiae,
- analogy,
- ancillary,
- appendage,
- appurtenance,
- appurtenant,
- ascititious,
- assistant,
- attorney,
- auxiliary,
- backup,
- backup man,
- bifacial,
- bifold,
- biform,
- bilateral,
- binary,
- binate,
- biparous,
- bivalent,
- borrowed,
- casual,
- champion,
- change,
- changeling,
- chromatic circle,
- chromatic spectrum,
- chromaticity diagram,
- circumstantial,
- cog,
- collateral,
- color circle,
- color cycle,
- color index,
- color mixture curve,
- color solid,
- color spectrum,
- color system,
- color triangle,
- coming,
- common,
- commonality,
- commonalty,
- comparison,
- complementary color,
- conduplicate,
- consequent,
- contingency,
- contingent,
- copied,
- copy,
- counterfeit,
- covert,
- creature,
- demeaning,
- demitint,
- dependent,
- deputy,
- derivational,
- derivative,
- derived,
- dinky,
- disadvantaged,
- disomatous,
- double,
- double-faced,
- dual,
- dummy,
- duple,
- duplex,
- duplicate,
- employee,
- equal,
- equivalent,
- ersatz,
- eventual,
- exchange,
- executive officer,
- exponent,
- extra,
- fake,
- feather,
- feathers,
- figurehead,
- fill-in,
- final,
- flunky,
- follower,
- fortuitous,
- full color,
- fundamental colors,
- geminate,
- geminated,
- ghost,
- ghostwriter,
- hackle,
- half tint,
- halftone,
- happenstance,
- helper,
- hoi polloi,
- hue cycle,
- humble,
- imitated,
- imitation,
- in the shade,
- incidental,
- indirect,
- inessential,
- inferior,
- infra dig,
- insignificant,
- junior,
- last,
- less,
- lesser,
- lieutenant,
- lightweight,
- locum,
- locum tenens,
- low,
- low-priority,
- lower,
- lower class,
- lower orders,
- lowly,
- mail,
- makeshift,
- marginal,
- masses,
- mere chance,
- metamer,
- metaphor,
- metonymy,
- minor,
- mock,
- modest,
- monochrome,
- next best thing,
- no great shakes,
- nonessential,
- not-self,
- of no account,
- of no consequence,
- of no matter,
- of no significance,
- ordinary,
- other,
- paranymph,
- pawn,
- personnel,
- phony,
- pinch,
- pinch hitter,
- pleader,
- plumage,
- poor relation,
- primary,
- primary color,
- procurator,
- provisional,
- proxy,
- pure color,
- relief,
- replacement,
- representative,
- reserve,
- reserves,
- resultant,
- right-hand man,
- ringer,
- scrub,
- second,
- second fiddle,
- second in command,
- second rank,
- second string,
- secondary color,
- secondhand,
- servant,
- servile,
- sign,
- small,
- small-fry,
- small-time,
- solar spectrum,
- spare,
- spares,
- spectral color,
- spectrum,
- spectrum color,
- speculum,
- stand-in,
- stopgap,
- sub,
- subaltern,
- subject,
- subordinate,
- subsequent,
- subservient,
- subsidiary,
- substituent,
- substitute,
- substitution,
- succedaneum,
- superadded,
- superaddition,
- superfluous,
- superseder,
- supervenient,
- supplanter,
- supplement,
- supplemental,
- supplementary,
- supporting,
- supportive,
- surrogate,
- symbol,
- synecdoche,
- temporary,
- tentative,
- tertiary,
- tertiary color,
- third rank,
- third string,
- third stringer,
- token,
- tributary,
- twin,
- twinned,
- two-faced,
- two-level,
- two-ply,
- two-sided,
- two-story,
- twofold,
- ultimate,
- under,
- underling,
- underprivileged,
- understrapper,
- understudy,
- unessential,
- unimportant,
- unoriginal,
- utility,
- utility man,
- utility player,
- vicar,
- vicar general,
- vicarious,
- vice,
- vice-president,
- vice-regent,
- vicegerent,
- vulgar,
- yes-man