Exact Match:
- exponent
- a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
- someone who expounds and interprets or explains
- Maecenas,
- abettor,
- admirer,
- advocate,
- aficionado,
- allegorist,
- alter ego,
- alternate,
- amicus curiae,
- angel,
- annotator,
- apologist,
- attorney,
- backer,
- backup,
- backup man,
- booster,
- buff,
- case,
- case in point,
- champion,
- cicerone,
- clarifier,
- commentator,
- critic,
- cross section,
- cryptanalyst,
- cryptographer,
- cryptologist,
- decoder,
- defender,
- definer,
- demonstration,
- demonstrator,
- demythologizer,
- dependence,
- deputy,
- diaskeuast,
- dragoman,
- dummy,
- editor,
- emblem,
- embodiment,
- emendator,
- emender,
- encourager,
- endorser,
- euhemerist,
- example,
- executive officer,
- exegesist,
- exegete,
- exegetist,
- exemplar,
- exemplification,
- explainer,
- explanation,
- explicator,
- expositor,
- expounder,
- fan,
- favorer,
- figurehead,
- friend at court,
- go-between,
- guide,
- hermeneut,
- illustration,
- instance,
- interpreter,
- lexicographer,
- lieutenant,
- locum,
- locum tenens,
- lover,
- mainstay,
- maintainer,
- metaphrast,
- object lesson,
- oneirocritic,
- paranymph,
- paraphrast,
- partisan,
- patron,
- pinch hitter,
- pleader,
- procurator,
- promoter,
- proponent,
- protagonist,
- proxy,
- relevant instance,
- reliance,
- representation,
- representative,
- scholiast,
- second,
- second in command,
- secondary,
- seconder,
- sectary,
- sider,
- specimen,
- sponsor,
- stalwart,
- stand-in,
- standby,
- substitute,
- support,
- supporter,
- surrogate,
- sustainer,
- symbol,
- sympathizer,
- textual critic,
- translator,
- type,
- typical example,
- typification,
- understudy,
- upholder,
- utility man,
- vicar,
- vicar general,
- vice,
- vicegerent,
- votary,
- well-wisher