underestimate the real value or ability of; "Don't sell your students short--they are just shy and don't show off their knowledge"
sell securities or commodities or foreign currency that is not actually owned by the seller, who hopes to cover (buy back) the sold items at a lower price and thus to earn a profit
deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"
make a victim of; "I was victimized by this con-man"
defeat someone in an expectation through trickery or deceit
deprive somebody of something by deceit; "The con-man beat me out of $50"; "This salesman ripped us off!"; "we were cheated by their clever-sounding scheme"; "They chiseled me out of my money"
engage in deceitful behavior; practice trickery or fraud; "Who's chiseling on the side?"