Exact Match:
- seminal
- pertaining to or containing or consisting of semen; "seminal fluid"
- aboriginal,
- abundant,
- basal,
- basic,
- benchmark,
- blooming,
- bountiful,
- bursting,
- bursting out,
- central,
- cervical,
- clitoral,
- conceptive,
- conceptual,
- copious,
- creative,
- crucial,
- elemental,
- elementary,
- embryonic,
- esemplastic,
- excretory,
- exuberant,
- fattening,
- fecund,
- fecundative,
- fertile,
- fertilizing,
- flourishing,
- formative,
- fructiferous,
- fructificative,
- fruitful,
- fundamental,
- gametic,
- gamic,
- generative,
- generous,
- genetic,
- genital,
- germinal,
- ideational,
- ideative,
- imaginative,
- important,
- in embryo,
- in ovo,
- incipient,
- influential,
- ingenious,
- innovative,
- inspired,
- inventive,
- lachrymal,
- lachrymose,
- lacrimatory,
- lactational,
- lacteal,
- lacteous,
- landmark,
- life-giving,
- lush,
- luxuriant,
- multiparous,
- new,
- notional,
- original,
- originative,
- ovarian,
- penial,
- penile,
- phallic,
- plenteous,
- plentiful,
- potential,
- pregnant,
- primal,
- primary,
- prime,
- primeval,
- primitive,
- primordial,
- pristine,
- procreant,
- procreative,
- productive,
- proliferous,
- prolific,
- propagative,
- protogenic,
- radical,
- reproductive,
- rheumy,
- rich,
- richening,
- rudimentary,
- salivant,
- salivary,
- salivous,
- scrotal,
- secretional,
- secretive,
- secretory,
- serous,
- sexual,
- shaping,
- sialagogic,
- spermatic,
- spermatozoal,
- spermatozoan,
- spermatozoic,
- spermic,
- sporal,
- sporogenous,
- sporoid,
- sporous,
- superabundant,
- swarming,
- teeming,
- telling,
- testicular,
- thriving,
- uberous,
- undeveloped,
- unprecedented,
- uterine,
- vaginal,
- visioned,
- vulval,
- vulvar,
- watering,
- watery