Exact Match:
- sextant
- a measuring instrument for measuring the angular distance between celestial objects; resembles an octant
- a unit of angular distance equal to 60 degrees
- astrolabe,
- astronavigation,
- azimuth circle,
- azimuth compass,
- bevel,
- bevel protractor,
- bevel square,
- celestial navigation,
- chronometer,
- clinometer,
- coastwise navigation,
- consolan,
- crescent,
- dead reckoning,
- fix,
- goniometer,
- graphometer,
- half circle,
- hemicycle,
- line of position,
- loran,
- pantometer,
- pilotage,
- plane sailing,
- point-to-point navigation,
- protractor,
- quadrant,
- radar,
- radio beacon,
- radio navigation,
- radiogoniometer,
- sector,
- semicircle,
- shoran,
- sofar,
- sonar,
- tables,
- theodolite,
- transit,
- transit circle,
- transit instrument,
- transit theodolite