- anchoritic,
- answer,
- answer conclusively,
- argue down,
- bang,
- bar,
- barricade,
- batten,
- batten down,
- be mute,
- be silent,
- beleaguer,
- beset,
- besiege,
- blockade,
- bolt,
- bottle up,
- bound,
- box in,
- box up,
- button,
- button up,
- cage,
- cease,
- chamber,
- check,
- choke,
- choke off,
- clap,
- cloister,
- cloistered,
- close,
- close down,
- close in,
- close shop,
- close up,
- compass,
- confine,
- confound,
- confute,
- constrain,
- constrict,
- contain,
- contract,
- contradict,
- controvert,
- coop,
- coop in,
- coop up,
- cordon,
- cordon off,
- cork up,
- corral,
- cover,
- crib,
- crush,
- defeat,
- demolish,
- deny,
- detain,
- dismiss,
- dispose of,
- domestic,
- dry up,
- dummy up,
- encage,
- encircle,
- enclose,
- encompass,
- enshrine,
- eremitic,
- fasten,
- fence in,
- finish,
- floor,
- fold,
- fold up,
- forswear speech,
- hedge in,
- hem in,
- hermitic,
- hermitish,
- hold,
- hold in custody,
- hold in restraint,
- house in,
- hush,
- immure,
- impound,
- imprison,
- incarcerate,
- include,
- inhibit,
- jail,
- keep in,
- keep in custody,
- keep in detention,
- keep mum,
- keep quiet,
- keep silent,
- keep still,
- kennel,
- key,
- latch,
- leaguer,
- lock,
- lock out,
- lock up,
- make no sign,
- mew,
- mew up,
- nonplus,
- occlude,
- overthrow,
- overturn,
- overwhelm,
- padlock,
- parry,
- pen,
- pen in,
- pen up,
- pipe down,
- play dumb,
- plumb,
- pocket,
- pound,
- put to silence,
- quarantine,
- quiet,
- quiet down,
- quieten,
- rail in,
- rebut,
- recluse,
- reduce to silence,
- refute,
- restrain,
- restrict,
- say nothing,
- seal,
- seal off,
- seal up,
- secure,
- sequestered,
- settle,
- shackle,
- shrine,
- shush,
- shut,
- shut down,
- shut in,
- shut the door,
- shut up shop,
- shutter,
- silence,
- slam,
- smash all opposition,
- snap,
- soft-pedal,
- squash,
- squeeze shut,
- squelch,
- stable,
- stand mute,
- stay-at-home,
- still,
- strangle,
- subvert,
- surround,
- undermine,
- upset,
- wall in,
- wrap,
- yard,
- yard up,
- zip up,
- zipper