Exact Match:
- sleeping
- the suspension of consciousness and decrease in metabolic rate
- the state of being asleep
- abeyant,
- apathetic,
- asleep,
- asleep in Jesus,
- at rest,
- bereft of life,
- between the lines,
- breathless,
- called home,
- carrion,
- cataleptic,
- catatonic,
- comatose,
- covert,
- croaked,
- cryptic,
- dead,
- dead and gone,
- dead asleep,
- death-struck,
- deceased,
- deep asleep,
- defunct,
- delitescent,
- demised,
- departed,
- departed this life,
- destitute of life,
- done for,
- dopey,
- dormant,
- dull,
- esoteric,
- exanimate,
- fallen,
- fast asleep,
- finished,
- flaked-out,
- flat,
- food for worms,
- foul,
- gone,
- gone to glory,
- gone west,
- goofing off,
- groggy,
- heavy,
- hibernating,
- hidden,
- in abeyance,
- in suspense,
- inactive,
- inanimate,
- incautious,
- inert,
- languid,
- languorous,
- late,
- late lamented,
- latent,
- launched into eternity,
- leaden,
- lifeless,
- logy,
- lurking,
- martyred,
- muffled,
- mystic,
- napping,
- no more,
- nodding,
- obfuscated,
- oblivious,
- obscured,
- occult,
- off-guard,
- out,
- passed on,
- passive,
- phlegmatic,
- possible,
- potential,
- pushing up daisies,
- released,
- reposing,
- resting easy,
- sainted,
- sedentary,
- slack,
- sluggish,
- slumbering,
- smitten with death,
- smoldering,
- sound asleep,
- stagnant,
- standing,
- static,
- still,
- stillborn,
- submerged,
- suspended,
- taken away,
- taken off,
- tame,
- torpid,
- unalert,
- unaroused,
- uncautious,
- unconscious,
- under the surface,
- underlying,
- unguarded,
- unmanifested,
- unprepared,
- unready,
- unvigilant,
- unwary,
- unwatchful,
- veiled,
- virtual,
- with the Lord,
- with the saints,
- without life,
- without vital functions