Exact Match:
- slug
- any of various terrestrial gastropods having an elongated slimy body and no external shell
- strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat; "He slugged me so hard that I passed out"
- Chilopoda,
- Chordata,
- Echiuroidea,
- Ectoprocta,
- Entoprocta,
- Intertype,
- Linotype,
- Monoplacophora,
- Monotype,
- Nemertinea,
- Phoronidea,
- baggage check,
- ball,
- bang,
- bar shot,
- bash,
- bat,
- beating,
- belt,
- biff,
- bird shot,
- blast,
- blow,
- bonk,
- buckshot,
- bullet,
- bum,
- cannon shot,
- cannonball,
- case shot,
- check,
- chop,
- clap,
- clip,
- clobber,
- clock watcher,
- clout,
- clump,
- cold-type typesetting,
- coldcock,
- composing,
- composing stick,
- composition,
- computerized typesetting,
- counter,
- coupon,
- crack,
- crossbar shot,
- cut,
- dallier,
- dash,
- dawdle,
- dawdler,
- deal,
- deal a blow,
- deck,
- diddler,
- dig,
- dillydallier,
- dint,
- do-nothing,
- dolittle,
- doodler,
- dose,
- dram,
- drone,
- drop,
- drub,
- drubbing,
- drumming,
- duck shot,
- dumdum bullet,
- dummy,
- em,
- em quad,
- en,
- en quad,
- expanding bullet,
- faineant,
- fetch,
- fetch a blow,
- five-em space,
- foot-dragger,
- four-em space,
- furniture,
- fusillade,
- galley chase,
- gentleman of leisure,
- goldbrick,
- goldbricker,
- goof-off,
- grape,
- grapeshot,
- hair space,
- hat check,
- hit,
- hit a clip,
- hot-metal typesetting,
- idler,
- imposition,
- jab,
- jolt,
- justification,
- justification space,
- justifying space,
- knock,
- knock cold,
- knock down,
- knock out,
- laggard,
- langrel shot,
- layout,
- lazybones,
- let have it,
- lick,
- lie-abed,
- line of type,
- lingerer,
- loafer,
- loiterer,
- loller,
- lotus-eater,
- lounger,
- lubber,
- manstopping bullet,
- mope,
- moper,
- nip,
- paste,
- patent space,
- pellet,
- pelt,
- photocomposition,
- photosetting,
- phototypesetter,
- phototypesetting machine,
- plodder,
- plunk,
- poke,
- portion,
- potterer,
- pound,
- procrastinator,
- punch,
- putterer,
- quad,
- quadrat,
- quoin,
- rap,
- rifle ball,
- round shot,
- scrip,
- setting,
- shell,
- shot,
- shrapnel,
- slacker,
- slam,
- sleepyhead,
- slog,
- slouch,
- sloucher,
- sloven,
- slow goer,
- slow-foot,
- slowbelly,
- slowpoke,
- slugabed,
- sluggard,
- smack,
- smash,
- smite,
- snail,
- snap,
- snifter,
- snort,
- soak,
- sock,
- space,
- spaceband,
- split shot,
- stick-in-the-mud,
- strike,
- strike at,
- stroke,
- swat,
- swing,
- swipe,
- tag,
- tattoo,
- thick space,
- thin space,
- thump,
- thwack,
- ticket,
- time killer,
- time waster,
- token,
- tortoise,
- tot,
- trifler,
- typesetting,
- typesetting machine,
- waiter on Providence,
- wallop,
- whack,
- wham,
- whop,
- yerk