Exact Match:
- sorrow
- an emotion of great sadness associated with loss or bereavement; "he tried to express his sorrow at her loss"
- sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment; "he drank to drown his sorrows"; "he wrote a note expressing his regret"; "to his rue, the error cost him the game"
- ache,
- adversity,
- afflict,
- affliction,
- aggrieve,
- agonize,
- agony,
- anguish,
- apologies,
- attrition,
- ayenbite of inwit,
- bad luck,
- bemoan,
- bemoaning,
- bewail,
- bewailing,
- bitter cup,
- bitter draft,
- bitter draught,
- bitter pill,
- bitterness,
- bleed,
- break down,
- bring to tears,
- brood over,
- burden,
- burden of care,
- cankerworm of care,
- care,
- cares,
- carking care,
- contriteness,
- contrition,
- cross,
- crown of thorns,
- crush,
- curse,
- cut up,
- dejection,
- deplore,
- depression,
- desolate,
- desolateness,
- desolation,
- dirge,
- discomfort,
- dismay,
- distress,
- dole,
- dolor,
- draw tears,
- elegize,
- embitter,
- encumbrance,
- fret,
- gall,
- gall and wormwood,
- give sorrow words,
- grief,
- grievance,
- grieve,
- grieving,
- groan,
- hard luck,
- hardship,
- heartache,
- heartbreak,
- heartfelt grief,
- heartgrief,
- howling,
- infliction,
- inundate,
- keen,
- keening,
- knell,
- lament,
- lamentation,
- lamenting,
- languishment,
- load,
- melancholy,
- misery,
- misfortune,
- moan,
- moaning,
- mope,
- mourn,
- mourning,
- oppress,
- oppression,
- overwhelm,
- pack of troubles,
- pain,
- peck of troubles,
- pine,
- pine away,
- pining,
- pressure,
- prostrate,
- prostration,
- regret,
- regretfulness,
- regrets,
- regretting,
- remorse,
- remorse of conscience,
- remorsefulness,
- repine,
- repining,
- rue,
- sadness,
- sea of troubles,
- shame,
- shamefacedness,
- shamefastness,
- shamefulness,
- sigh,
- sing the blues,
- sob,
- sorriness,
- sorrowfulness,
- sorrowing,
- strain,
- suffering,
- take on,
- thorn,
- torment,
- travail,
- trial,
- tribulation,
- trouble,
- ululation,
- unhappiness,
- wailing,
- waters of bitterness,
- weep over,
- weight,
- wistfulness,
- woe,
- wretchedness