worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise; "such action is neither necessary nor advisable"; "extreme caution is advisable"; "it is advisable to telephone first"
done or happening at the appropriate or proper time; "a timely warning"; "with timely treatment the patient has a good chance of recovery"; "a seasonable time for discussion"; "the book's publication was well timed"
before a time limit expires; "the timely filing of his income tax return"
having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue; "the scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research"
presenting favorable circumstances; likely to result in or show signs or success; "propitious omens"; "propitious gales speeded us along"; "a propitious alignment of planets for space exploration"
changed in order to improve or made more fit for a particular purpose; "seeds precisely adapted to the area"; "instructions altered to suit the children's different ages"
displaying or setting off to best advantage; "a becoming new shade of rose"; "a becoming portrait"
according with custom or propriety; "her becoming modesty"; "comely behavior"; "it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money"; "a decent burial"; "seemly behavior"