Exact Match:
- sparkle
- merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance; "he had a sparkle in his eye"; "there's a perpetual twinkle in his eyes"
- be lively or brilliant or exhibit virtuosity; "The musical performance sparkled"; "A scintillating conversation"; "his playing coruscated throughout the concert hall"
- reflect brightly; "Unquarried marble sparkled on the hillside"
- animation,
- be brilliant,
- be merry with,
- beam,
- blaze,
- blink,
- blinking,
- blubber,
- boil,
- boil over,
- boiling,
- brightness,
- brilliance,
- bubble,
- bubble over,
- bubble up,
- bubbliness,
- bubbling,
- burble,
- burn,
- caper,
- caracole,
- carbonation,
- cheer,
- cheerfulness,
- chirp,
- chirrup,
- coruscate,
- coruscation,
- crack a joke,
- crack wise,
- dance,
- dash,
- dazzle,
- ebullience,
- ebulliency,
- ebullition,
- effervesce,
- effervescence,
- effervescency,
- elan,
- energy,
- excitement,
- ferment,
- fermentation,
- fire,
- firefly,
- fizz,
- fizzle,
- flame,
- flash,
- fleer at,
- flicker,
- foaming,
- frolic,
- frothiness,
- frothing,
- fun,
- gaiety,
- gambol,
- gibe at,
- glance,
- gleam,
- glimmer,
- glimmering,
- glint,
- glisk,
- glisten,
- glister,
- glitter,
- glittering,
- glow,
- glowworm,
- guggle,
- gurgle,
- gusto,
- hiss,
- jape,
- jest,
- joke,
- josh,
- joy,
- kid,
- kid around,
- laugh,
- life,
- lilt,
- liveliness,
- make a funny,
- make fun,
- make fun of,
- mock,
- oomph,
- pep,
- piquancy,
- play on words,
- plop,
- poignancy,
- poke fun at,
- pun,
- pungency,
- quip,
- raciness,
- radiance,
- radiate cheer,
- ridicule,
- romp,
- scintilla,
- scintillate,
- scintillation,
- scoff at,
- seethe,
- shimmer,
- shimmering,
- shine,
- simmer,
- sing,
- skip,
- smile,
- spangle,
- spark,
- spirit,
- spumescence,
- stroboscopic light,
- tinsel,
- twinkle,
- twinkling,
- utter a mot,
- verve,
- vigor,
- vim,
- vivacity,
- vividness,
- whistle,
- wink,
- wisecrack,
- wittiness,
- work,
- zeal,
- zing,
- zip