Exact Match:
- spastic
- a person suffering from spastic paralysis
- suffering from spastic paralysis; "a spastic child"
- relating to or characterized by spasm; "a spastic colon"; "spastic paralysis is a spastic form of cerebral palsy"
- apoplectic,
- arthritic,
- broken,
- capricious,
- careening,
- case,
- cataclysmic,
- catchy,
- choppy,
- consumptive,
- convulsive,
- desultory,
- deviative,
- disastrous,
- disconnected,
- discontinuous,
- dyspeptic,
- eccentric,
- eclamptic,
- epileptic,
- erratic,
- fidgety,
- fitful,
- flickering,
- fluctuating,
- guttering,
- halting,
- herky-jerky,
- heteroclite,
- immethodical,
- inconstant,
- incurable,
- inpatient,
- intermittent,
- intermitting,
- invalid,
- irregular,
- jerking,
- jerky,
- jiggety,
- jumpy,
- lurching,
- nonuniform,
- orgasmic,
- outpatient,
- paroxysmal,
- patchy,
- patient,
- rambling,
- rheumatic,
- rough,
- saltatory,
- scrappy,
- seismic,
- shut-in,
- sick person,
- snatchy,
- spasmatic,
- spasmic,
- spasmodic,
- sporadic,
- spotty,
- staggering,
- sufferer,
- terminal case,
- the sick,
- twitchety,
- twitching,
- twitchy,
- uncertain,
- unequal,
- uneven,
- unmethodical,
- unmetrical,
- unregular,
- unrhythmical,
- unsettled,
- unsteady,
- unsystematic,
- upheaving,
- valetudinarian,
- variable,
- veering,
- vellicative,
- wandering,
- wavering,
- wobbling,
- wobbly