Exact Match:
- spoiled
- having the character or disposition harmed by pampering or oversolicitous attention; "a spoiled child"
- ausgespielt,
- bad,
- bankrupt,
- barfy,
- beautiless,
- blasted,
- blemished,
- blighted,
- blotted,
- botched,
- brackish,
- broken,
- bungled,
- butchered,
- cacophonic,
- cacophonous,
- cankered,
- carious,
- cloying,
- coddled,
- corrupt,
- decayed,
- decomposed,
- defaced,
- desolated,
- destroyed,
- devastated,
- disfigured,
- done for,
- done in,
- down-and-out,
- dysphemistic,
- dysphemized,
- fallen,
- festering,
- fetid,
- finished,
- flawed,
- foul,
- fulsome,
- fumbled,
- gangrened,
- gangrenous,
- gone bad,
- gone to pot,
- high,
- homely,
- icky,
- ill-advised,
- ill-considered,
- ill-contrived,
- ill-devised,
- ill-done,
- ill-executed,
- ill-managed,
- impaired,
- impolitic,
- in ruins,
- indulged,
- inelegant,
- irremediable,
- kaput,
- maggoty,
- marred,
- mawkish,
- misconducted,
- misdirected,
- misguided,
- mismanaged,
- mortified,
- muffed,
- murdered,
- nasty,
- nauseant,
- nauseating,
- nauseous,
- necrosed,
- necrotic,
- negligent,
- noisome,
- noxious,
- off,
- offensive,
- overripe,
- overthrown,
- pampered,
- peccant,
- plain,
- poisonous,
- putrefied,
- putrescent,
- putrid,
- rancid,
- rank,
- ravaged,
- rebarbative,
- rotten,
- rotting,
- ruined,
- ruinous,
- short on looks,
- sickening,
- sphacelated,
- spoiled rotten,
- spoilt,
- stinking,
- suppurating,
- suppurative,
- tainted,
- uglified,
- ugly,
- ugly as hell,
- ugly as sin,
- ulcerated,
- unaesthetic,
- unattractive,
- unbeautiful,
- uncomely,
- undone,
- unhandsome,
- unlovely,
- unpleasing,
- unpretty,
- unsightly,
- vile,
- vomity,
- wasted,
- weevily,
- wrecked,
- yucky