Exact Match:
- stake
- instrument of execution consisting of a vertical post that a victim is tied to for burning
- the money risked on a gamble
- mark with a stake; "stake out the path"
- tie or fasten to a stake; "stake your goat"
- Derby,
- Kentucky Derby,
- Kreis,
- Preakness Stakes,
- absolute interest,
- allotment,
- allowance,
- angel,
- ante,
- ante up,
- archbishopric,
- archdiocese,
- arrondissement,
- at hazard,
- at stake,
- ax,
- back,
- backing,
- bailiwick,
- bank,
- bankroll,
- benefit,
- bet,
- bet on,
- big end,
- bigger half,
- bishopric,
- bit,
- bite,
- block,
- bond,
- book,
- borough,
- bottomry,
- budget,
- cage,
- call,
- canton,
- capitalization,
- capitalize,
- caution,
- caution money,
- chain,
- chance,
- chase,
- chunk,
- circumscribe,
- city,
- claim,
- close in,
- close off,
- collateral,
- collateral security,
- column,
- commission,
- common,
- commune,
- concern,
- concerned,
- confine,
- congressional district,
- constablewick,
- contingent,
- contingent interest,
- county,
- cover,
- cross,
- cut,
- deal,
- death chair,
- death chamber,
- deficit financing,
- define,
- delimit,
- delineate,
- demarcate,
- depart,
- departement,
- deposit,
- destiny,
- diocese,
- district,
- dividend,
- dole,
- drop,
- duchy,
- easement,
- electoral district,
- electorate,
- electric chair,
- emigrate,
- enclose,
- end,
- equal share,
- equitable interest,
- equity,
- estate,
- fade,
- fasten,
- fate,
- fence,
- finance,
- financial backing,
- financial support,
- financing,
- flat race,
- forfeit,
- fund,
- funding,
- gallows,
- gallows-tree,
- gamble,
- game,
- gas chamber,
- gibbet,
- go bail,
- government,
- grubstake,
- guillotine,
- half,
- halter,
- halver,
- hamlet,
- handbook,
- handicap,
- handicap race,
- handsel,
- harness race,
- hazard,
- helping,
- hem in,
- hemp,
- hempen collar,
- hitch,
- hock,
- holding,
- horse race,
- hot seat,
- hundred,
- hurdle race,
- hypothecate,
- impignorate,
- impound,
- in jeopardy,
- interest,
- investment,
- involved,
- involvement,
- jackpot,
- jeopardize,
- jeopardized,
- kitty,
- lash,
- lay,
- lay a wager,
- lay down,
- leash,
- leave,
- leg,
- lethal chamber,
- limitation,
- lot,
- magistracy,
- maiden,
- make a bet,
- margin,
- mark off,
- mark out,
- measure,
- meed,
- meet a bet,
- mess,
- metropolis,
- metropolitan area,
- migrate,
- modicum,
- moiety,
- mortgage,
- move on,
- noose,
- oblast,
- okrug,
- on the table,
- outline,
- pale,
- paling,
- palisade,
- parish,
- parlay,
- part,
- pass,
- patronization,
- patronize,
- pawn,
- pay for,
- peg,
- pen,
- percentage,
- picket,
- piece,
- pike,
- pile,
- pillar,
- plate race,
- play,
- play against,
- pledge,
- plunge,
- pole,
- pool,
- portion,
- post,
- pot,
- precinct,
- principality,
- proportion,
- provide for,
- province,
- provision of capital,
- pull up stakes,
- punt,
- purse race,
- put,
- put in hock,
- put in pawn,
- put up,
- quantum,
- quarter-horse race,
- quota,
- rake-off,
- ration,
- refinance,
- region,
- resettle,
- riding,
- right,
- right of entry,
- risk,
- risked,
- rope,
- scaffold,
- secure,
- see,
- segment,
- set up,
- settlement,
- shank,
- share,
- sheriffalty,
- sheriffwick,
- shire,
- shot,
- shrievalty,
- shut in,
- slice,
- small share,
- soke,
- spike,
- spile,
- sponsor,
- sponsorship,
- spout,
- stake out,
- stake race,
- stakes,
- stand pat,
- state,
- stave,
- steeplechase,
- stick,
- stock,
- strict settlement,
- subsidize,
- subsidy,
- support,
- sweep,
- sweepstake,
- sweepstakes,
- territory,
- tether,
- the chair,
- tie up,
- tiger,
- title,
- town,
- township,
- tree,
- trotting race,
- trust,
- upright,
- use,
- venture,
- vested interest,
- village,
- wager,
- wall in,
- wapentake,
- ward