Exact Match:
- stifle
- joint between the femur and tibia in a quadruped; corresponds to the human knee
- smother or suppress; "Stifle your curiosity"
- abate,
- allay,
- alleviate,
- asphyxiate,
- assuage,
- attemper,
- bake,
- bank the fire,
- bar,
- barricade,
- be in heat,
- black out,
- blaze,
- block,
- block up,
- blockade,
- bloom,
- blow out,
- blunt,
- boil,
- bolt,
- bottle up,
- broil,
- burke,
- burn,
- censor,
- chasten,
- check,
- chock,
- choke,
- choke off,
- clamp down on,
- close,
- close off,
- close tight,
- close up,
- combust,
- constipate,
- constrain,
- constrict,
- control,
- cook,
- cork,
- cork up,
- cover up,
- crack down on,
- crowd,
- crush,
- curb,
- damp,
- damp down,
- dampen,
- de-emphasize,
- deaden,
- debar,
- demolish,
- destroy,
- diminish,
- dog,
- douse,
- downplay,
- drown,
- dull,
- dumbfound,
- extenuate,
- extinguish,
- flame,
- flame up,
- flare,
- flare up,
- flicker,
- flush,
- fry,
- gag,
- garrote,
- gasp,
- glow,
- hold back,
- hold down,
- hold in,
- hugger-mugger,
- hush,
- hush up,
- hush-hush,
- incandesce,
- inhibit,
- jam,
- jump on,
- keep back,
- keep down,
- keep under,
- keep within bounds,
- kill,
- lay,
- lenify,
- lessen,
- lighten,
- lock,
- mitigate,
- moderate,
- modulate,
- muffle,
- mute,
- muzzle,
- obstruct,
- obtund,
- occlude,
- out,
- pack,
- palliate,
- pant,
- parch,
- play down,
- pour water on,
- prevent,
- put down,
- put out,
- put to silence,
- quash,
- quell,
- quench,
- quiet,
- quieten,
- radiate heat,
- reduce,
- reduce the temperature,
- repress,
- restrain,
- roast,
- scald,
- scorch,
- seethe,
- shimmer with heat,
- shush,
- shut down on,
- shut off,
- shut out,
- shut tight,
- silence,
- simmer,
- sit down on,
- sit on,
- slack,
- slacken,
- slow down,
- smash,
- smolder,
- smother,
- snuff,
- snuff out,
- sober,
- sober down,
- soft-pedal,
- soften,
- spark,
- squash,
- squeeze,
- squeeze shut,
- squelch,
- stagnate,
- stamp out,
- stanch,
- steam,
- stew,
- still,
- stop,
- stop the breath,
- stop up,
- strangle,
- strangulate,
- strike dumb,
- stultify,
- subdue,
- sublimate,
- suffocate,
- suppress,
- sweat,
- swelter,
- tame,
- temper,
- throttle,
- toast,
- tone down,
- trammel,
- trample out,
- trample underfoot,
- tune down,
- underplay,
- weaken,
- withhold