Exact Match:
- story
- a piece of fiction that narrates a chain of related events; "he writes stories for the magazines"
- Clio,
- Muse of history,
- account,
- action,
- adventures,
- alibi,
- allegation,
- allegory,
- anagnorisis,
- anecdotage,
- anecdote,
- angle,
- annals,
- architectonics,
- architecture,
- argument,
- article,
- assertion,
- atmosphere,
- autobiography,
- back-fence gossip,
- background,
- band,
- beat,
- bed,
- bedding,
- belly laugh,
- belt,
- biographical sketch,
- biography,
- blague,
- blue story,
- book,
- budget of news,
- case history,
- catastrophe,
- characterization,
- chitchat,
- chronicle,
- chronicles,
- chronology,
- clerestory,
- cock-and-bull story,
- color,
- complication,
- confabulation,
- confessions,
- contention,
- continuity,
- contrivance,
- copy,
- couche,
- course,
- curriculum vitae,
- deck,
- denouement,
- description,
- design,
- detective story,
- development,
- device,
- diary,
- dirty joke,
- dirty story,
- dispatch,
- double entendre,
- entresol,
- epic,
- episode,
- epos,
- ethnic joke,
- exaggeration,
- exclusive,
- excuse,
- experiences,
- fable,
- fabliau,
- fabrication,
- facts,
- fairy,
- fairy tale,
- falling action,
- falsehood,
- falsity,
- farfetched story,
- farrago,
- feature,
- fib,
- fiction,
- first floor,
- fish story,
- flam,
- flat,
- flimflam,
- floor,
- folktale,
- fortunes,
- fun,
- funny story,
- gag,
- gallery,
- gest,
- ghost story,
- gimmick,
- good one,
- good story,
- gossip,
- gossiping,
- gossipmongering,
- gossipry,
- ground floor,
- groundless rumor,
- hagiography,
- hagiology,
- half-truth,
- historiography,
- history,
- howler,
- idle talk,
- incident,
- information,
- item,
- jape,
- jest,
- jestbook,
- joke,
- journal,
- laugh,
- layer,
- ledge,
- legal fiction,
- legend,
- level,
- lie,
- life,
- life and letters,
- life story,
- line,
- little white lie,
- local color,
- martyrology,
- measures,
- memoir,
- memoirs,
- memorabilia,
- memorial,
- memorials,
- mendacity,
- mezzanine,
- mezzanine floor,
- mood,
- motif,
- movement,
- mystery,
- myth,
- mythos,
- narration,
- narrative,
- necrology,
- news,
- news item,
- newsmongering,
- obituary,
- overlayer,
- overstory,
- panic,
- parable,
- peripeteia,
- photobiography,
- piece,
- piece of gossip,
- pious fiction,
- plan,
- play,
- plot,
- point,
- prevarication,
- profile,
- recital,
- recognition,
- record,
- recounting,
- release,
- report,
- representation,
- resume,
- rez-de-chaussee,
- rib tickler,
- riot,
- rising action,
- romance,
- saga,
- scenario,
- scheme,
- scoop,
- scream,
- seam,
- secondary plot,
- shelf,
- sick joke,
- sidesplitter,
- sight gag,
- slant,
- slight stretching,
- sport,
- spot news,
- stage,
- statement,
- step,
- stratum,
- street floor,
- structure,
- subject,
- subplot,
- substratum,
- summary,
- superstratum,
- switch,
- tale,
- talebearing,
- taletelling,
- talk,
- tall story,
- tall tale,
- taradiddle,
- tattle,
- testimony,
- thematic development,
- theme,
- theory of history,
- thickness,
- thriller,
- tidings,
- tier,
- tittle-tattle,
- tone,
- topic,
- topsoil,
- trumped-up story,
- twist,
- underlayer,
- understory,
- understratum,
- untruth,
- version,
- visual joke,
- wheeze,
- white lie,
- whodunit,
- wow,
- yarn,
- zone