conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual; "restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit"; "famed for his eccentric spelling"; "a freakish combination of styles"; "his off-the-wall antics"; "the outlandish clothes of teenagers"; "outre and affected stage antics"
progressing melodically by intervals larger than a major second
used of distributions, as of statistical or natural populations; "disjunct distribution of king crabs"
marked by separation of or from usually contiguous elements; "little isolated worlds, as abruptly disjunct and unexpected as a palm-shaded well in the Sahara"- Scientific Monthly
having deep constrictions separating head, thorax, and abdomen, as in insects
beyond or outside an area of immediate interest; remote; "a suggestion ulterior to the present discussion"; "without...any purpose, immediate or ulterior"- G.B.Shaw
not widely distributed; "rare herbs"; "rare patches of green in the desert"
not widely known; especially valued for its uncommonness; "a rare word"; "rare books"
(of meat) cooked a short time; still red inside; "rare roast beef"
recurring only at long intervals; "a rare appearance"; "total eclipses are rare events"
marked by an uncommon quality; especially superlative or extreme of its kind; "what is so rare as a day in June"-J.R.Lowell; "a rare skill"; "an uncommon sense of humor"; "she was kind to an uncommon degree"
having low density; "rare gasses"; "lightheaded from the rarefied mountain air"
(used of things) lacking sense or awareness; "fine innocent weather"
lacking intent or capacity to injure; "an innocent prank"
free from evil or guilt; "an innocent child"; "the principle that one is innocent until proved guilty"
lacking in sophistication or worldliness; "a child's innocent stare"; "his ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it"