- ability,
- acropolis,
- area,
- bag,
- bastion,
- beachhead,
- blockhouse,
- bridgehead,
- bump,
- bunker,
- caliber,
- capability,
- capacity,
- castle,
- citadel,
- cogency,
- cup of tea,
- donjon,
- dower,
- dowry,
- endowment,
- equipment,
- faculty,
- fasthold,
- fastness,
- field,
- flair,
- fort,
- forte,
- fortress,
- garrison,
- garrison house,
- genius,
- gift,
- good reason,
- good reasoning,
- hold,
- instinct,
- ironclad reasoning,
- keep,
- knockdown argument,
- line,
- long suit,
- main interest,
- makings,
- manner,
- martello,
- martello tower,
- metier,
- mote,
- motte,
- natural endowment,
- natural gift,
- parts,
- peel,
- peel tower,
- pet subject,
- pillbox,
- post,
- potential,
- power,
- powers,
- pursuit,
- qualification,
- rath,
- right thinking,
- safehold,
- sound evidence,
- sound reasoning,
- specialism,
- speciality,
- specialization,
- specialty,
- strong argument,
- strong flair,
- stronghold,
- style,
- talent,
- talents,
- technicality,
- the goods,
- the stuff,
- thing,
- tower,
- tower of strength,
- type,
- vocation,
- ward,
- way,
- weakness,
- what it takes