Exact Match:
- suck in
- draw in as if by suction; "suck in your cheeks and stomach"
- absorb,
- allure,
- aspirate,
- bait,
- bait the hook,
- beguile,
- betray,
- bib,
- bitch,
- blandish,
- booze,
- breathe in,
- bunk,
- cajole,
- catch up in,
- coax,
- concern,
- decoy,
- delude,
- double-cross,
- drain the cup,
- draw,
- draw in,
- draw on,
- drink,
- drink in,
- drink off,
- drink to,
- drink up,
- embarrass,
- engage,
- enmesh,
- ensnare,
- entangle,
- entice,
- flirt,
- flirt with,
- four-flush,
- give the come-on,
- guzzle,
- imbibe,
- implicate,
- inhale,
- inspire,
- interest,
- inveigle,
- involve,
- lead on,
- lure,
- offer bait to,
- pledge,
- pull,
- quaff,
- rope in,
- seduce,
- sell out,
- sip,
- slurp,
- sniff,
- sniffle,
- snuff,
- snuff in,
- snuffle,
- suck,
- suck into,
- suckle,
- sup,
- swig,
- swill,
- take in,
- tangle,
- tipple,
- toast,
- toss down,
- toss off,
- wash down,
- woo