Exact Match:
- tender loving care
- considerate and solicitous care; "young children need lots of TLC"
- TLC,
- anticipation,
- attention,
- bread,
- care,
- carefulness,
- caution,
- circumspection,
- circumspectness,
- concern,
- consideration,
- daily bread,
- economic support,
- endowment,
- forethought,
- heed,
- heedfulness,
- keep,
- livelihood,
- living,
- loving care,
- maintenance,
- manna,
- meat,
- mindfulness,
- mothering,
- nourishment,
- nurture,
- preparedness,
- price support,
- provision,
- regard,
- regardfulness,
- solicitude,
- subsidization,
- subsidy,
- subsistence,
- subvention,
- support,
- sustainment,
- sustenance,
- sustentation,
- thoughtfulness,
- upkeep