Exact Match:
- theme
- a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in a literary or artistic work; "it was the usual `boy gets girl' theme"
- (music) melodic subject of a musical composition; "the theme is announced in the first measures"; "the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it"
- provide with a particular theme or motive; "the restaurant often themes its menus"
- IC analysis,
- accidence,
- action,
- affix,
- affixation,
- allomorph,
- anagnorisis,
- angle,
- architectonics,
- architecture,
- argument,
- article,
- atmosphere,
- background,
- background detail,
- basis,
- bound morpheme,
- burden,
- case,
- catastrophe,
- causerie,
- chapter,
- characterization,
- color,
- complication,
- composition,
- concept,
- concern,
- conjugation,
- continuity,
- contrivance,
- core,
- cutting,
- declension,
- decorative composition,
- decorative style,
- denouement,
- derivation,
- descant,
- design,
- detail,
- development,
- device,
- difference of form,
- discourse,
- discussion,
- disquisition,
- dissertation,
- enclitic,
- episode,
- essay,
- essence,
- etude,
- examination,
- excursus,
- exercise,
- exposition,
- fable,
- falling action,
- feature,
- figure,
- first approach,
- focus of attention,
- focus of interest,
- foil,
- foreground detail,
- form,
- formative,
- free form,
- gimmick,
- gist,
- head,
- heading,
- homily,
- idea,
- immediate constituent analysis,
- incident,
- infix,
- infixation,
- inflection,
- introductory study,
- issue,
- keynote,
- leitmotiv,
- line,
- living issue,
- local color,
- lucubration,
- main point,
- matter,
- matter in hand,
- meat,
- memoir,
- monograph,
- mood,
- morceau,
- morph,
- morpheme,
- morphemic analysis,
- morphemics,
- morphology,
- morphophonemics,
- motif,
- motive,
- movement,
- mythos,
- national style,
- note,
- notion,
- ornamental motif,
- outline,
- pandect,
- paper,
- paradigm,
- paragraph,
- pattern,
- period style,
- peripeteia,
- phrase,
- piece,
- plan,
- plot,
- point,
- point at issue,
- point in question,
- prefix,
- prefixation,
- preliminary study,
- problem,
- proclitic,
- prolegomenon,
- question,
- radical,
- recognition,
- repeated figure,
- research paper,
- review,
- rising action,
- root,
- rubric,
- scheme,
- screed,
- secondary plot,
- setting,
- sketch,
- slant,
- special article,
- stem,
- story,
- structure,
- study,
- style,
- subject,
- subject matter,
- subject of thought,
- subplot,
- substance,
- suffix,
- suffixation,
- survey,
- switch,
- term paper,
- text,
- thematic development,
- thesis,
- thread,
- tone,
- topic,
- touch,
- tract,
- tractate,
- treatise,
- treatment,
- twist,
- word-formation