Exact Match:
- thin
- lacking excess flesh; "you can't be too rich or too thin"; "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look"-Shakespeare
- (of sound) lacking resonance or volume; "a thin feeble cry"
- lacking spirit or sincere effort; "a thin smile"
- of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section; "thin wire"; "a thin chiffon blouse"; "a thin book"; "a thin layer of paint"
- relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous; "air is thin at high altitudes"; "a thin soup"; "skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk"; "thin oil"
- make thin or thinner; "Thin the solution"
- lose thickness; become thin or thinner
- Lenten,
- Sanforize,
- Sanforized,
- Spartan,
- a bit thick,
- a bit thin,
- abate,
- abrade,
- abstemious,
- abstract,
- absurd,
- acute,
- adulterate,
- adulterated,
- airy,
- ankle-deep,
- argute,
- ascetic,
- atomic,
- attenuate,
- attenuated,
- austere,
- backset,
- baptize,
- bate,
- beyond belief,
- blow off,
- bony,
- boyish,
- cadaverous,
- cast forth,
- cheeseparing,
- chiffon,
- chinchy,
- chintzy,
- clear,
- clear as crystal,
- clear away,
- colliquate,
- consume,
- consumed,
- corky,
- corpuscular,
- creaky,
- crystal,
- crystal-clear,
- crystalline,
- cultivate,
- culture,
- cursory,
- curtail,
- cut,
- cut down,
- dainty,
- dead,
- decoagulate,
- decoct,
- decrease,
- deduct,
- deficient,
- delicate,
- deliquesce,
- delve,
- depreciate,
- depthless,
- derogate,
- detract,
- diaphane,
- diaphanous,
- diffuse,
- dig,
- dilute,
- diluted,
- diminish,
- disparage,
- dispel,
- dispersed,
- dissipate,
- dissolve,
- doubtable,
- doubtful,
- drain,
- draw out,
- dress,
- dried-up,
- drive away,
- dry up,
- dubious,
- dubitable,
- dwarfed,
- dwarfish,
- ear-piercing,
- eat away,
- emacerate,
- emacerated,
- emaciate,
- emaciated,
- embryonic,
- epidermal,
- erode,
- ethereal,
- etherealize,
- evanescent,
- evaporate,
- exiguous,
- expand,
- extenuate,
- extract,
- fade,
- fallow,
- feeble,
- fertilize,
- file away,
- filmy,
- fine,
- finespun,
- flat,
- flavorless,
- flimsy,
- fluidify,
- fluidize,
- flux,
- force,
- fragile,
- frail,
- frugal,
- fuse,
- gangling,
- gaseous,
- gaunt,
- gauzy,
- germinal,
- girlish,
- gossamer,
- gossamery,
- gracile,
- granular,
- gruelly,
- half-starved,
- hard of belief,
- hard to believe,
- harrow,
- high,
- high-pitched,
- hoe,
- hold in solution,
- howling,
- impair,
- impalpable,
- imperceptible,
- implausible,
- imponderable,
- impoverished,
- improbable,
- inadequate,
- inane,
- inappreciable,
- inconceivable,
- incredible,
- indifferent,
- indiscernible,
- infinitesimal,
- infrequent,
- infuse,
- insipid,
- insubstantial,
- insufficient,
- intangible,
- invisible,
- irrigate,
- jejune,
- keen,
- keening,
- knee-deep,
- lacy,
- lame,
- lank,
- lanky,
- leach,
- lean,
- lessen,
- light,
- light-pervious,
- limited,
- limpid,
- liquefy,
- liquesce,
- liquidize,
- list,
- lixiviate,
- lucid,
- macerate,
- meager,
- meagerly,
- mean,
- melt,
- melt down,
- microcosmic,
- microscopic,
- mild,
- milk-and-water,
- miserly,
- misty,
- molecular,
- mulch,
- narrow,
- niggardly,
- nonopaque,
- not deep,
- not deserving belief,
- on the surface,
- open to doubt,
- open to suspicion,
- paltry,
- papery,
- pappy,
- parch,
- parched,
- parsimonious,
- passing belief,
- peekaboo,
- pellucid,
- penetrating,
- percolate,
- piddling,
- piercing,
- pinched,
- piping,
- plow,
- poor,
- preposterous,
- preshrink,
- preshrunk,
- problematic,
- prune,
- pulpy,
- puny,
- purify,
- questionable,
- rake,
- rare,
- rarefied,
- rarefy,
- reduce,
- reedy,
- refine,
- refined,
- remove,
- retrench,
- revealing,
- ridiculous,
- rub away,
- run,
- sapless,
- savorless,
- scant,
- scantily,
- scanty,
- scarce,
- scattered,
- scraggy,
- scrawny,
- screaky,
- screeching,
- screechy,
- scrimp,
- scrimping,
- scrimpy,
- sear,
- see-through,
- seldom met with,
- seldom seen,
- shallow,
- shallow-rooted,
- sharp,
- sharpen,
- sheer,
- shoal,
- shorten,
- shrieking,
- shrieky,
- shrill,
- shrink,
- shrivel,
- shriveled,
- shriveled up,
- shrunk,
- shrunken,
- silken,
- silky,
- skeletal,
- skimp,
- skimping,
- skimpy,
- skin-deep,
- skinny,
- slender,
- slenderish,
- slight,
- slight-made,
- slim,
- slimmish,
- slinky,
- small,
- solubilize,
- solve,
- spade,
- spare,
- sparing,
- sparingly,
- sparse,
- sparsely,
- spiceless,
- spindly,
- spotty,
- sprinkled,
- squeaking,
- squeaky,
- staggering belief,
- stale,
- starvation,
- stingy,
- stinted,
- straitened,
- stunted,
- subatomic,
- subduct,
- subsistence,
- subtile,
- subtilize,
- subtle,
- subtract,
- superficial,
- surface,
- suspect,
- suspicious,
- svelte,
- sylphlike,
- take away,
- take from,
- tall,
- tasteless,
- tenuous,
- thaw,
- thick,
- thin,
- thin away,
- thin down,
- thin out,
- thin-bodied,
- thin-set,
- thin-spun,
- thinned,
- thinned-out,
- thinnish,
- threadlike,
- tight,
- till,
- till the soil,
- translucent,
- transparent,
- transpicuous,
- treble,
- trim,
- trivial,
- twiggy,
- ultramicroscopic,
- ululant,
- unbelievable,
- unclot,
- unclouded,
- uncommon,
- uncompact,
- uncompressed,
- unconvincing,
- underfed,
- undernourished,
- undersized,
- underweight,
- unearthly,
- unflavored,
- ungodly,
- unimaginable,
- unimportant,
- unnourishing,
- unnutritious,
- unprofound,
- unsatisfying,
- unsavory,
- unseeable,
- unsubstantial,
- untenable,
- unthinkable,
- unusual,
- unworthy of belief,
- vague,
- vapid,
- vaporous,
- volatilize,
- wailing,
- washy,
- wasp-waisted,
- waste,
- waste away,
- wasted,
- wasted away,
- water,
- water down,
- watered,
- watered-down,
- waterish,
- watery,
- weak,
- weaken,
- wear away,
- weazen,
- weazened,
- weed,
- weed out,
- whining,
- whistling,
- willowy,
- windy,
- wiredrawn,
- wishy-washy,
- wispy,
- withdraw,
- wither,
- withered,
- wizen,
- wizen-faced,
- wizened,
- work,
- worthless