electronic equipment consisting of a small crystal of a silicon semiconductor fabricated to carry out a number of electronic functions in an integrated circuit
a small disk-shaped counter used to represent money when gambling
a triangular wooden float attached to the end of a log line
a thin crisp slice of potato fried in deep fat
a piece of dried bovine dung
break a small piece off from; "chip the glass"; "chip a tooth"
break off (a piece from a whole); "Her tooth chipped"
form by chipping; "They chipped their names in the stone"
used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time; "So far he hasn't called"; "the sun isn't up yet"
used after a superlative; "this is the best so far"; "the largest drug bust yet"
any of several small troutlike fish of the genus Salvelinus
a charred substance
burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color; "The cook blackened the chicken breast"; "The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece"; "the flames scorched the ceiling"
burn to charcoal; "Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything"