- absorbed in,
- at it,
- at work,
- bound,
- burdened with debt,
- busy,
- caught up in,
- deep in debt,
- embarrassed,
- employed,
- encumbered,
- engaged,
- enmeshed in,
- entangled in,
- far-gone,
- fettered,
- full of business,
- hampered,
- handcuffed,
- hard at it,
- hard at work,
- immersed in,
- implicated in,
- in bonds,
- in chains,
- in debt,
- in difficulties,
- in embarrassed circumstances,
- in harness,
- in hock,
- in irons,
- in the hole,
- in the red,
- indebted,
- involved,
- involved in,
- ironbound,
- manacled,
- mortgaged,
- occupied,
- on duty,
- on the go,
- on the hop,
- on the job,
- on the jump,
- on the move,
- on the run,
- plunged in debt,
- shackled,
- strapped,
- submerged in,
- tethered,
- tied,
- tied down,
- tied up in,
- trammeled,
- working,
- wrapped up in