Exact Match:
- triptych
- art consisting of a painting or carving (especially an altarpiece) on three panels (usually hinged together)
- Domesday Book,
- abstract,
- abstraction,
- account book,
- address book,
- adversaria,
- album,
- altarpiece,
- annual,
- appointment calendar,
- appointment schedule,
- blankbook,
- block print,
- blotter,
- calendar,
- cashbook,
- catalog,
- classified catalog,
- clover,
- collage,
- color print,
- commonplace book,
- copy,
- court calendar,
- cyclorama,
- daub,
- daybook,
- desk calendar,
- deuce-ace,
- diary,
- diptych,
- docket,
- engagement book,
- engraving,
- fresco,
- icon,
- illumination,
- illustration,
- image,
- journal,
- leash,
- ledger,
- likeness,
- log,
- logbook,
- loose-leaf notebook,
- memo book,
- memorandum book,
- memory book,
- miniature,
- montage,
- mosaic,
- mural,
- notebook,
- pad,
- panorama,
- petty cashbook,
- photograph,
- picture,
- pocket notebook,
- pocketbook,
- police blotter,
- print,
- representation,
- reproduction,
- scrapbook,
- scratch pad,
- set of three,
- shamrock,
- spiral notebook,
- stained glass window,
- stencil,
- still life,
- table,
- tableau,
- tablet,
- tapestry,
- tercet,
- ternary,
- ternion,
- terzetto,
- three,
- threesome,
- tierce,
- trefoil,
- trey,
- triad,
- trialogue,
- triangle,
- tricorn,
- trident,
- triennium,
- trihedron,
- trilogy,
- trimester,
- trine,
- trinity,
- trinomial,
- trio,
- triphthong,
- triple crown,
- triple threat,
- triplet,
- triplopy,
- tripod,
- trireme,
- triseme,
- triskelion,
- trisul,
- triumvirate,
- triunity,
- trivet,
- troika,
- wall painting,
- workbook,
- writing tablet,
- yearbook