- artless,
- bluff,
- blunt,
- born yesterday,
- candid,
- childlike,
- confident,
- confiding,
- credulous,
- dependent,
- depending,
- direct,
- doting,
- easily taken in,
- easy of belief,
- fond,
- frank,
- guileless,
- gullible,
- incautious,
- inclined to believe,
- infatuated,
- ingenu,
- ingenuous,
- innocent,
- naive,
- open,
- openhearted,
- outspoken,
- overconfiding,
- overcredulous,
- overtrustful,
- overtrusting,
- plain,
- reliant,
- relying,
- simple,
- simplehearted,
- simpleminded,
- sincere,
- single-hearted,
- single-minded,
- superstitious,
- trustful,
- trusty,
- uncritical,
- undoubting,
- unguarded,
- unreserved,
- unskeptical,
- unsophisticated,
- unsuspecting,
- unsuspicious,
- unwary,
- without suspicion