Exact Match:
- undertake
- promise to do or accomplish; "guarantee to free the prisoners"
- enter upon an activity or enterprise
- accept as a charge
- accept as a challenge; "I'll tackle this difficult task"
- accept,
- accept obligation,
- agree,
- agree to,
- answer for,
- approach,
- assay,
- assume,
- attack,
- attempt,
- bargain,
- bargain for,
- be answerable for,
- be responsible for,
- be security for,
- begin,
- bind,
- buckle to,
- carry on,
- certify,
- chance,
- commence,
- commit,
- compact,
- conduct,
- contract,
- covenant,
- dive into,
- do,
- do a deal,
- embark in,
- embark on,
- embark upon,
- employ,
- endeavor,
- engage,
- engage in,
- enter on,
- enter upon,
- essay,
- exercise,
- fall into,
- fall to,
- follow,
- get busy,
- get cracking,
- get going,
- get under way,
- get with it,
- go about,
- go at,
- go bail for,
- go in for,
- go into,
- go to it,
- go upon,
- guarantee,
- have an understanding,
- have at,
- hop to it,
- jump to it,
- launch forth,
- launch into,
- lay about,
- lift a finger,
- light into,
- make a deal,
- make an attempt,
- make an effort,
- move into,
- obligate,
- offer,
- pass,
- pitch in,
- pitch into,
- pledge,
- plunge into,
- practice,
- proceed to,
- promise,
- prosecute,
- pursue,
- sail into,
- seek,
- set about,
- set at,
- set forward,
- set going,
- set to,
- set to work,
- shake hands on,
- specialize in,
- stand back of,
- start,
- start in,
- stipulate,
- strive,
- struggle,
- swear,
- tackle,
- take on,
- take the vows,
- take to,
- take up,
- try,
- turn to,
- use,
- venture,
- venture on,
- venture upon,
- vow,
- wade into,
- wage,
- warrant,
- work at