- a stranger to,
- asleep,
- awkward,
- blankminded,
- blind to,
- callow,
- caught napping,
- dead to,
- deaf to,
- dumb,
- empty,
- empty-headed,
- gauche,
- green,
- groping,
- ignorant,
- impercipient,
- in ignorance of,
- inane,
- incognizant,
- inexperienced,
- innocent,
- insensible,
- insensible to,
- know-nothing,
- mindless,
- naive,
- napping,
- nescient,
- nonconceiving,
- not with it,
- out of it,
- raw,
- simple,
- strange to,
- tentative,
- unacquainted,
- unapprized,
- unaware,
- unaware of,
- uncomprehending,
- unconscious,
- unconscious of,
- unconversant,
- unenlightened,
- unfamiliar,
- unhearing,
- unilluminated,
- uninformed,
- uninitiated,
- uninsightful,
- uninstructed,
- unintelligent,
- unmindful,
- unmindful of,
- unperceiving,
- unposted,
- unprehensive,
- unrealizing,
- unripe,
- unseeing,
- unsure,
- unsuspecting,
- unversed,
- unwitting,
- vacuous,
- witless