Exact Match:
- unloading
- the labor of taking a load of something off of or out of a vehicle or ship or container etc.
- alleviation,
- cleaning out,
- clearance,
- clearing,
- defecation,
- depletion,
- disburdening,
- discharging cargo,
- disembarrassment,
- disencumberment,
- disencumbrance,
- drainage,
- draining,
- easement,
- easing,
- egress,
- elimination,
- emptying,
- evacuation,
- excretion,
- exhausting,
- exhaustion,
- lightening,
- off-loading,
- relief,
- removal,
- unballasting,
- unburdening,
- unfreighting,
- unlading,
- unsaddling,
- untaxing,
- unweighting,
- venting,
- voidance,
- voiding