Exact Match:
- unobjectionable
- not objectionable; "the ends are unobjectionable; it's the means that one can't accept"
- OK,
- above suspicion,
- acceptable,
- adequate,
- admissible,
- adorable,
- agreeable,
- all right,
- allowable,
- alright,
- appetizing,
- attractive,
- better than nothing,
- condonable,
- decent,
- defensible,
- desirable,
- dispensable,
- enviable,
- exciting,
- excusable,
- exemptible,
- expiable,
- fair,
- fairish,
- forgivable,
- good enough,
- goodish,
- inculpable,
- inoffensive,
- irreprehensible,
- irreproachable,
- irreprovable,
- justifiable,
- legitimate,
- likable,
- lovable,
- moderate,
- mouth-watering,
- not amiss,
- not bad,
- not half bad,
- not so bad,
- okay,
- pardonable,
- passable,
- pleasing,
- presentable,
- pretty good,
- provocative,
- reasonable,
- remissible,
- respectable,
- satisfactory,
- seductive,
- sufficient,
- taking,
- tantalizing,
- tempting,
- tenable,
- tidy,
- to be desired,
- tolerable,
- toothsome,
- unarraignable,
- unblamable,
- unblameworthy,
- uncensurable,
- unexceptionable,
- unimpeachable,
- unindictable,
- venial,
- viable,
- vindicable,
- warrantable,
- winning,
- workmanlike,
- worth having