Exact Match:
- unselfish
- not greedy
- disregarding your own advantages and welfare over those of others
- Olympian,
- altruistic,
- bighearted,
- bounteous,
- bountiful,
- candid,
- charitable,
- committed,
- consecrated,
- dedicated,
- detached,
- devoted,
- disinterested,
- dispassionate,
- free,
- freehanded,
- freehearted,
- generous,
- giving,
- gracious,
- greathearted,
- handsome,
- hospitable,
- humanitarian,
- humble,
- impartial,
- impersonal,
- large,
- largehearted,
- lavish,
- liberal,
- lofty,
- magnanimous,
- modest,
- munificent,
- neutral,
- open,
- open-handed,
- openhanded,
- openhearted,
- philanthropic,
- princely,
- profuse,
- sacrificing,
- self-abasing,
- self-abnegating,
- self-abnegatory,
- self-denying,
- self-devoted,
- self-effacing,
- self-forgetful,
- self-immolating,
- self-neglectful,
- self-neglecting,
- self-renouncing,
- self-sacrificing,
- self-unconscious,
- selfless,
- stintless,
- unacquisitive,
- unbiased,
- ungrudging,
- uninfluenced,
- unpossessive,
- unpretentious,
- unsparing,
- unsparing of self,
- unstinted,
- unstinting,
- unswayed