Exact Match:
- untouchable
- belongs to lowest social and ritual class in India
- defiling to the touch; especially used in traditional Hindu belief of the lowest caste or castes
- forbidden to the touch; "in most museums such articles are untouchable"
- beyond the reach of criticism or attack or impeachment; "for the first time criticism was directed at a hitherto untouchable target"- Newsweek
- DP,
- Ishmael,
- affectless,
- anesthetized,
- antipodean,
- arctic,
- autistic,
- awesome,
- awful,
- back of beyond,
- banned,
- barred,
- blunt,
- castaway,
- catatonic,
- chill,
- chilly,
- cold,
- cold as charity,
- cold-blooded,
- coldhearted,
- contraband,
- cool,
- declasse,
- derelict,
- dispassionate,
- displaced person,
- divine,
- drugged,
- dull,
- emotionally dead,
- emotionless,
- evictee,
- exile,
- expatriate,
- expellee,
- forbade,
- forbid,
- forbidden,
- frigid,
- frosted,
- frosty,
- frozen,
- godforsaken,
- heartless,
- heavenly,
- holy,
- hyperborean,
- icy,
- illegal,
- illicit,
- immovable,
- impassible,
- impassive,
- inaccessible,
- ineffable,
- inenarrable,
- inexcitable,
- inexpressible,
- insusceptible,
- inviolable,
- inviolate,
- leper,
- nonemotional,
- nonpermissible,
- not permitted,
- numinous,
- objective,
- obtuse,
- off limits,
- out of bounds,
- out of reach,
- out of touch,
- out-of-the-way,
- outcast,
- outcast of society,
- outcaste,
- outlaw,
- outlawed,
- outsider,
- pariah,
- passionless,
- persona non grata,
- prohibited,
- religious,
- ruled out,
- sacred,
- sacrosanct,
- self-absorbed,
- social outcast,
- soulless,
- spiritless,
- spiritual,
- taboo,
- tabooed,
- unacceptable person,
- unaffectionate,
- unallowed,
- unapproachable,
- unauthorized,
- under the ban,
- undesirable,
- unemotional,
- unfeeling,
- ungetatable,
- unimpassioned,
- unimpressionable,
- unlawful,
- unlicensed,
- unloving,
- unpassionate,
- unpermissible,
- unresponding,
- unresponsive,
- unsanctioned,
- unspeakable,
- unsusceptible,
- unsympathetic,
- unutterable,
- venerable,
- verboten,
- vetoed