Exact Match:
- verbal
- communicated in the form of words; "verbal imagery"; "a verbal protest"
- prolix; "you put me to forget a lady's manners by being so verbal"- Shakespeare
- relating to or having facility in the use of words; "a good poet is a verbal artist"; "a merely verbal writer who sacrifices content to sound"; "verbal aptitude"
- expressed in spoken words; "a verbal contract"
- of or relating to or formed from a verb; "verbal adjectives like `running' in `hot and cold running water'"
- of or relating to or formed from words in general; "verbal ability"
- adjectival,
- adverbial,
- answering,
- articulated,
- attributive,
- authentic,
- bona fide,
- candid,
- card-carrying,
- colloquial,
- communicating,
- communicational,
- communional,
- conjunctive,
- conversational,
- copulative,
- correct,
- dinkum,
- enunciated,
- expressed,
- following the letter,
- formal,
- functional,
- genuine,
- glossematic,
- good,
- grammatic,
- honest,
- honest-to-God,
- iconic,
- inartificial,
- interacting,
- interactional,
- interactive,
- intercommunicational,
- intercommunicative,
- intercommunional,
- interresponsive,
- interrogative,
- interrogatory,
- intransitive,
- lawful,
- legitimate,
- lexemic,
- lexical,
- lifelike,
- lingual,
- linguistic,
- linking,
- literal,
- morphemic,
- natural,
- naturalistic,
- nominal,
- nuncupative,
- oral,
- original,
- parol,
- participial,
- phrasal,
- postpositional,
- prepositional,
- pronominal,
- pronounced,
- pure,
- questioning,
- real,
- realistic,
- responsive,
- rightful,
- said,
- semantic,
- semantological,
- semasiological,
- sememic,
- semiotic,
- simon-pure,
- simple,
- sincere,
- sounded,
- speech,
- spoken,
- sterling,
- structural,
- substantive,
- sure-enough,
- symbolic,
- syntactic,
- tagmemic,
- telepathic,
- traditional,
- transitive,
- transmissional,
- true to life,
- true to nature,
- true to reality,
- unadulterated,
- unaffected,
- unassumed,
- unassuming,
- uncolored,
- unconcocted,
- uncopied,
- uncounterfeited,
- undisguised,
- undisguising,
- undistorted,
- unexaggerated,
- unfabricated,
- unfanciful,
- unfeigned,
- unfeigning,
- unfictitious,
- unflattering,
- unimagined,
- unimitated,
- uninvented,
- unpretended,
- unpretending,
- unqualified,
- unromantic,
- unsimulated,
- unspecious,
- unsynthetic,
- unvarnished,
- unwritten,
- uttered,
- verbatim,
- veridical,
- verisimilar,
- viva voce,
- vocabular,
- vocabulary,
- vocal,
- vocalized,
- voiced,
- voiceful,
- word,
- word-for-word,
- word-of-mouth